Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sketchbook for Figure Drawing

So here are a couple of drawings from my sketchbook, the ones that I actually like. Having never done a blog before I don't expect the internet to be to aware of myself yet, but hopefully this might get me a kind of edge in getting myself out there for people to see. =)

This sketch was nice to do, number 4 was actually the most informed of the four sketches. The others were done based on imagination or pictures as opposed to  number 4 which was based on actual proportions, even though I never really finished it. 
I also really like number 2, he feels like a kind of face I've been hiding in myself. A sad face that still hopes for a brighter kind of future. Having never put my actual emotions on a characters face I find increasingly that my pent up emotion finds itself in my drawings when I'm drawing for the sake of drawing instead of because I have to for an assignment. 

These four sketches were inspired by 3 particular aspects. Drawing 1 was inspired by a screenshot from Isaac, the main character in the video game Dead Space. Number 2 was inspired by a memory I had of watching a documentary about a long range sniper rifle called the Barrett M82. I meant for this one to be more like the blasters from Star Wars using blaster ammunition but it's difficult to put that into a drawing without drawing the weapon firing. Drawing 3 and 4 were both inspired by the video game Starcraft. Drawing 3 is a force field, but instead of the almost magical ability to create them in the game via the Sentry unit I decided to draw it as if it was built by humans using technology instead of the psionic abilities of the Protoss.

This sketch is probably my favorite alien to draw in Starcraft. The Zergling. These are nasty little creatures, not that little, they're probably about the size of large dogs, that rip apart anything that gets in their way with a variety of claws and teeth. Don't try to pet them...

These three other pieces are obviously not from my sketchbook, however I thought that I would include them to bolster the amount of art I have on this blog. 

This was actually my very first painting. I had seen a few tutorials on how to paint and watched a couple of TV shows demonstrating how to paint. And I had done several art projects that involved painting. However this was the first painting where I really thought about how to piece the art together. I really love how it turned out. Unfortunately I gave this painting to a friend who I am no longer in contact with and it doesn't reside in my collection except for these photos I have. Long story short a girl was involved. 

This painting was a birthday gift to one of my best friends. It's a photo she showed me of her father fishing on a trip they went on. I love this picture. When I gave it to my friend her face lit up and seeing people overjoyed at art that I created is amazing. It's one of the best feelings in the world. Some people told me I should have left out the glare from the camera lens but I think it adds a nice touch to the painting. 

This was the second painting I made. This painting I actually had no assistance with, no video or friend help. Which actually astounded me since it turned out so much like the photo I based it on. Being a new artist and having things actually turn out the way you want them to is also an incredible feeling. I love the water in this one. I feel like it gently captures that slow rhythmic oceanic sound, and being stuck in the middle of a landlocked state really brings home how much I miss the ocean. 

Anyway, that's my first art post. Hope all of you who are reading liked it. And hopefully as I keep going my art will become better so I can maybe become good enough to sell some of it. =)
Thanks a lot everyone. 

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